Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year everyone!!

As I was sitting under the dental hygienist the other day, I had time to reflect on 2012 (yes, my dental hygienist doesn't ask questions while her hands are in my mouth).  2012 was a year of discovery for me.  I went through one of the hardest times.  But because of that I was able to find myself and make myself better.  I had some major success and some major fails.  I made some really stupid decisions and made some really amazing decisions.  I took the bull by the horns.  I went outside my comfort zone and did things I normally wouldn't do.  I laughed.  I cried.  I smiled.  I blushed.  Through it all I did it with pride and with dignity. 

This upcoming year is going to be great. I can feel it.  Now, I would be stupid to say that I won't be faced with adversity or challenges... because I know I will.  But, this year I'm stronger and smarter than last year and am open to whatever life throws my way.  I'm hopeful that I'll be thrown more positives than negatives, but I've been wrong in the past before.  I've always made new year's resolutions.  And, unfortunately, broken most, if not all, of them.  I am going to make a STRONG attempt to make these last. 

Here they are in random order:
  1. Implement and enforce a strict skin care regimen. 
  2. Stop texting/calling while driving.
  3. Stop worrying about what others think of you. 
  4. Do what makes me happy.
  5. Get my fat ass to the gym.
  6. Eat better.
  7. Stop shopping so much.
  8. Rekindle lost friendships and try to stay in touch with current friends.
  9. Spend more ME time. 
I think that's it.... so far.  I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year.  I am looking forward to seeing what 2013 will bring. 

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