Monday, January 21, 2013

A Letter to My Past

Dear Middle School Me,

First off, you're not cool.  As much as you ran with the cool crowd, you didn't belong.  And you won't figure this out until you get into high school but middle school was a joke.  You worried about fitting in.  When you get to be 30, it'll just be a little blip on the screen of your amazing life.  These people you call friends?  Won't be there when you're older.  You eventually move and lose touch with all of them (minus B... she hangs around for a little). 

A little advice about your attire.  One word:  stop!  Stop dressing like a man.  Those sweatpants/sweatshirt combo (which we call a heather grey tuxedo today) is not flattering.  Yes, those K-Swiss shoes were "da bomb" back then, but putting them together makes you look like you belong in a Missy Elliot video.  And let's be honest, you won't get your dancing ability for years to come.  Socks and Adidas sandals.  Don't do it. 

Please tell grandma to stop pulling your hair so tight in your ponytails.  You look like you have no hair.  As a matter of fact, the only way people realize you're a girl is by the big JLo hoop earrings you wore.  Add a little side swept bangs.

Stop crushing on the science teacher.  You will look back and realize that Mr. B was not cute.  He was just young and funny.  He was short and hairy.  Definitely not your type - which you won't know what is until, well, hmmm.  I'll get back to you on that one.  Don't act dumb in this class and have to stay after with him.  You're only doing this because your friends are.  You love science.  You are good at science.  Knock it off.  No ones like a dumb girl... or even worse, no one likes a smart girl who acts dumb. 

Those pretzels, fries and VeryFines at lunch?  Don't eat them.  Carbs are your enemy.  You are not thin.  Leave those to friends with very fast metabolisms.  These will only add to your horrible time trying to lose weight when you get older.  Step away. 

Pay more attention to the sewing lesson in home economics.  You can barely sew on a button today.  Pay more attention in shop class.  You can't hammer a nail worth shit.  And you don't want to have to rely on a man to help you with home improvement stuff.  Pay more attention during "Voyage of the Mimi"... that cute little boy.   He becomes famous.

CKone smells good.  But it's a male's cologne.  Stop dousing yourself in it everyday when you congregate around P's locker.  You do it because your crush, S, wore it.  Guess what?  Why would he want to date you if you two smelled the same - a preteen boy.? It's why it took so long for him to actually ask you out to go to the mall.  And when he does, say no.  You go to the mall with him and he tried to steal stuff. 

That guy, GK, who was at the locker next to you.  Don't disregard him because he has red hair and freckles.  He was cute and he liked you.  Be kind to the nerds.  Those are the ones who will go far.  Who you end up "dating" ends up incarcerated for being in a gang.  And also, you end up loving gingers. 

Getting your period isn't as embarrassing as you think.  Though you won't get breasts or hips until junior year of high school, it's a huge milestone into the women you become.  Don't be embarrassed to ask dad to buy tampons.  He doesn't care.  Also - start wearing tampons immediately.  You miss out on too many pool dates because you didn't.  They're not so bad. 

Take more risks.  Audition for the songs in Chorus.  Enter an art piece during Art Class. 

Make friends outside of your circle.  You'll only become more diverse.

Go to dances.  And actually dance.  You'll learn you have rhythm. 

Be kind to your parents.  You'll appreciate them more the older you get. 

Spend more time with your grandparents.  You'll wish you did when you get older. 

Start to love yourself more at this age.  It only gets harder with time.  But it will make your life more fulfilling. 

Yourself in 2013

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