Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's Comes Full Circle

I am one of three siblings.  I have an older brother and a younger sister.  We're not technically Irish triplets but we are Irish and we are all about a year apart from each other.  About.  So I like to call us Irish triplets.  When we were growing up (and I know we're not the only ones to have experienced this), we were always being called each other's name by our parents.  My mom, especially, couldn't ever call us by the right name.  I was called Danny a lot.  Danny was called Kathy a lot.  Kathy was always Angela (maybe that's why Danny and Kathy go by very different names now).  Sometimes we would hear DannyKathyAngela and that's when we knew one of us was in real big trouble. 

I used to think "how hard is it to call your own child by the right name?" There's only three of us.  and we all have very different names (none of our names start with the same letter).  Well life thinks it's pretty funny because I have just recently experienced the same thing I "judged" my parents (and a lot of parents) about. 

I have a set of twins in my class this year, Mario and Emanuel.  And they are IDENTICAL.  I have never met a more identical set of twins in my life.  The only difference is that M has a tiny mole on his face.  M, mole.  That's the distinguishing factor.  But it's so tiny that I can only see it up close and personal.  So, if they are standing in front of me, I know which one is which no problem.  But, most of the times they aren't that close to me. 

It is not uncommon to hear a "EmanuelMarioAHH" coming from the classroom.  Or sometimes I'll look at Mario and say Emanuel to which he'll reply "I'm not Emanuel.  I'm Mario"... and vice versa.  It's getting old.  And my other kids will always correct me, too.  I find it extremely interesting that they can tell them apart EACH AND EVERY TIME...

I know what you are thinking.  There's got to be some other way to tell them apart.  No.  They're the same height.  They have the same haircut with the SAME cowlick.  And they wear the same clothes/shoes to school every day.  Every.  Single.  Day. 

It's been almost 2 quarters now and I think the twins have finally reached their limits.  Today, Emanuel wore a vest so that, and I quote "could tell them apart."  The rest of their outfits, down to their brand new snow boots, was identical.  Things were going well (let's not forget the fact that I only had them for about two hours total due to a late opening).  As we were taking a bathroom break  I looked at the twin in the vest and said "Mario.  Restroom." 

To which the twin in the vest, obviously exasperated, said "I'm not Mario.  I'm Emanuel.  Oh forget it." 

I get it mom.  I really do.  I'm sorry for being mad at you when you called me DannyKathyAngela. 

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