Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Speaking of reflecting...  rewind back to 2001 when Shrek came out.  The most memorable quote to come from that was the one about layers.  Something along the lines of "ogres are like onions.  onions have layers.  ogres have layers."  Back then, I thought this was a brilliant quote.  Because, it's true.  People have layers.... and you have to peel these layers back to get down to the real person.  It's true.  I'm especially a walking billboard for that.  Often times people assume I'm stand-offish or bitchy because of the way I am upon first meeting.  Not the best first impression.  But the more layers you pull away, the more you get to know the real me.  Kind.  Funny. Smart.  Friendly.  I could go on for hours (ha). 

I was reading Insurgent last night after my failed attempt at getting to bed at a normal hour and came across this quote.  And it blew the Shrek quote out of the waters... I mean.  I still firmly believe in what the quote it saying, but I think this one is more relevant to where we all are in our lives.

..."People, I have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets.  You believe you know them, that you understand them, but their motives are always hidden from you, buried in their own hearts.  You will never know them, but sometimes you decide to trust them."...

Sometimes it bites you in the ass, but then again sometimes it doesn't.  And when that happens, the layers become irrelevant because they'll fall away naturally. 

You're welcome. 

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