Tuesday, January 8, 2013

that one time i was brilliant

On Sunday, before the big Redskin's playoff game, V and I went to XSport to finally get myself a membership.  My LA Boxing membership had since expired and I was beginning to become a little soft in places that weren't before.  I happened to be wearing my Reskins jersey that day when I went in [sidenote:  for all you fuckers out there that don't think I'm a Redskin's fan (okay, not die hard like some of yous guys) I've been watching them since my family and I moved to this area when Art Monk and Superbowl were synonymous with Redskins.  I even used to wear gold stirup pants with burgundy and gold slouch socks.  Now shut it down].

Anyways.  I was sitting at the desk waiting for my teacher ID to be authorized when this big black man who was working the front desk came over to me and said, "Do you want to switch out of that and into a Cowboy's shirt?"

To which I, without skipping a beat (and actually very proud of myself for being so quick witted) yelled, "HAIL, No!" 

He, too, was taken back by my response but recovered his shock with a big smile and a "Now that you're a member here, I bet I'll be able to change your mind on that one." 

Cocky.  Cute.  Never gonna happen.

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