Monday, January 7, 2013

Do Things Really Change?

When I can't sleep (which has been pretty regular lately) I'll dick around on FB.  Back in 2009 I wrote a "25 Things" piece about me (a la the Glamour magazine articles) and thought I would see how many things have changed since then...  the things in red will be the changes and/or new developments. 

Here we go.  25 Things and Changes?:

1. Only a handful of people know and call me by my Korean name.   Just my family members call me by it these days. 
2. I used to hate my height but now I love it.  Still love it. 
3. I love wearing really high heels... not only does it make my legs look amazing, but I can see over the crowds.  Still wearing really high heels... and usually end up busting my ankles. 
4. I was betrothed to Dr. N,.... So there was some more stuff that was a part of this that I got rid of because it was the kind of information that would hurt people and ruin relationships...  And I don't want to bring up the past nor hurt anyone.
5. Now I am betrothed to his brother.  And I'm also now betrothed to J and C.  What's a girl to do?
6. I have tried on several occasions to donate blood, however, I always backout due to my phobia of needles.  Still can't donate blood to the Red Cross... but I'm getting better each time with getting my blood drawn at doctor's appointments.  Still makes me want to vomit though. 
7. I have a phobia of spiders, too.  Yup, still have this one.  Add any sort of creepy insect to this one, too. 
8. I get extremely fed up when my classmates yell out the wrong answers in class. I know the answers... I just don't ever speak up (see #9).  I'm not in grad school anymore so this is a moot point.  However, I get fed up when my students yell out wrong answers. 
9. I have a fear of speaking in public. My face turns bright red and I start feeling faint.  Yup, still have this fear.  But I've actually done one story telling thing to help me get over it.  Did it?  Nope, not in the least. 
10. Alcohol is my liquid courage. Does that make me an alcoholic?  I'm not an alcoholic.  I'm just more talkative, and more fluent in Spanish, with alcohol. 
11. I often come off as being standoffish or bitchy... I'm not. I'm just shy.  You have to peel away the layers.  I get called standoffish a lot still.  But I've learned a secret method from a friend that seems to be working. 
12. I laugh a lot... at inappropriate things and inappropriate times.  Always have, always will. 
13. I miss my preschool babies everyday.  I miss all my kids I've taught everyday... but I'm excited to see what they accomplish the older they get.   That makes me proud. 
14. I have a hard time sleeping at other people's houses or with someone else in my bed.  I've learned to sleep with someone else in my bed.  I hate sleeping at other people's houses.
15. Scary movies make me laugh. I have yet to find one that has really scared me. My brother says it's because I'm scientific by nature.   Still looking for a truly scary movie.  Anyone wanna go movie hunting with me? 
16. My brother's nickname is Dank and my sister's nickname is Kat. I wish I had a cool nickname like that... you can't do much with Angela... and what you can do sounds really white trash.  Still can't do anything cute with Angela without it sounding trashy.  I now get called cute nicknames like Panda and Twinky. 
17. I have a ritual at work before I can begin my day: eat cereal, drink cup of coffee, check my personal e-mail, check my work e-mail, check my smut online blogs.  Nope.  This was when I worked for the consulting firm.  Since becoming a teacher my ritual has changed.  Now it goes a little something like this:   photocopy papers, get room ready for kids, check work email, make oatmeal and coffee, use the bathroom before the kids come in, deep breaths. 
18. I believe that I have already met my soul mate... but unfortunately, I ruined it somehow.  I don't think I knew who I was talking about there... just that I'd met him and blown it.  I still believe this.  Is there one soul mate out there for everyone?  No.  I'm still waiting to meet some more. 
19. I am the epitome of "The Ugly Duckling."  Yup.  And proud of it. 
20. I can remember the shirt I was wearing in preschool when I threw up in class on Valentine's Day. It was pink and had a popsicle on the front.  I've seen pictures of it as of recent.  It was pink AND purple. 
21. I cannot pee in front of people.   Nor can I pee when I think people can hear me.  I always turn on the sink. 
22. I find farting to be extremely funny.  Yup.  Always have, always will. 
23. I love the way babies smell... their hair, their clothes, and especially their breath. There's nothing better than sticking your nose close to a babies mouth as they yawn.  Yup - and it's even more exacerbated by the fact that I'm surrounded more by babies these days. 
24. I used to hate Taco Bell when I was younger... now I secretly love it.  Not a secret anymore... but I rarely eat it unless I'm in a car full of hungover girls. 
25. I cannot live without Vaseline. It's what makes my lips they way they are. I keep a tub of it on my night stand.  In addition to my night stand, I have a tub of Vaseline in my classroom and in my purse.

Alrighty then.... doesn't look like much has changed.  Although I will on the record and say that a person's quirks are extremely hard to change. 

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