Thursday, January 10, 2013

that awkward moment...

...when you're eating some pho to cure your illness and you realize you're listen to a lesbian first date at the table behind you...

....when you're in line for the pharmacy and the teenage girl in front of you asks for Plan-B (the morning after pill), then turns around and shrugs her shoulders at you.  By the way, she looked like a baby she was so young...

...when you're stopped at a stop light listening to one of your old favorite Rihanna songs (Please Don't Stop the Music) and the little white boy at the crosswalk is singing, what can only be something appropriate for a nerdy white boy, but matches exactly with your music...

...that awkward moment when you're stopped at said stoplight and you sneeze at the exact moment the car full of dudes next to you is looking over at you.  Have you ever seen yourself sneeze?  I can't imagine it to be pretty...

... when you realize that all of this just happened within 2 hours of your life...  this is my life, ladies and gentlemen....

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