Friday, August 17, 2012

Like a Boss

I love cooking.  It's one of the things that makes me a good girlfriend and a bad girlfriend at the same time.  Unfortunately, I don't do it much at home because of several reasons:
  1. I'm never usually home.
  2. Currently I live back home with my parents and
    • my dad eats super early
    • my mom usually goes to the gym at night and will only eat a bowl of cereal for dinner
    • I'm never aware of my brother's sleeping pattern
  3. I don't do the grocery shopping most of the times and don't know what's in the house.

I plan on moving out in September and I plan on doing a lot of cooking.  My future roommate does not cook much so it'll be nice to have someone who will eat my cooking.  And she does, in fact, have a crock pot so it'll be a lot of setting and forgetting stuff.  I can't wait.  I've been doing a lot of searching through Pinterest and have come across lots of different recipes that I want to give a try (I mean, who else can you trust to have the same taste in food as you than millions of strangers from God knows where?).  Everything is worth trying once, right?  How else are you going to know what you like or don't like.

I'm looking forward to making this:
Crockpot Korean BBQ tacos
and this:

Spicy Greek Chicken Burger Pitas

and this:
Stuffed Peppers
and this:
Onion Rings
and this:
Pot Roast

But you know what all of these recipes have in common?  Onions.  And while onions are delicious anyway prepared, they are the devil.  Onions  Always.  It doesn't matter if I'm simply peeling the onion or making one small slice.  I always shed tears over this vegetable.  So, while I am dying to try making these recipes I'm haunted by the memories of crying.... that is, until I found this picture which solved all of my problems.

Ladies and gentlemen....  cutting onions.  Like. A. Boss.

These men are geniuses!!  

Anyone have a motorcycle helmet I can borrow?  I promise to make you one of these recipes in return.  Okay? Thanks!

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