Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Okay.  So I might be a little obsessed with Pinterest (but that's not my real confession).  I like to browse things that I would love to own one day but will NEVER be able to afford.  Those black and tan Christian Louboutain shoes?  Never gonna happen.  That hanging hammock over the infinity pool?  Not in a million years.  Oh, how about that Vera Wang wedding gown with the gorgeous sash?  In my dreams!!  But I browse anyway because I am a glutton for punishment.  There are some things on the site that do make me feel better.  They have cute quotes on love, life and happiness.  And their recipes are good for someone like me.  But there are pins, whether it be a picture or a phrase, that immediately conjures up a memory that makes you laugh/cry/smile/frown... and you usually pin it because you relate to it so much... and in my case, make a confession.

I stumbled upon this picture: 
And it made me smile because I've so often times had the same thought when someone gets in the elevator on the first floor and hits 2.  And then I start to feel like a hypocrite because, while I've had those thoughts, I have done the same thing.  So here is my confession.  I park on the B2 level of my condo building whenever I need to park in Arlington.  And I have to go up to the 1st floor (only one level up) to go to the lobby to leave the building.  If I am alone, I'll usually just go for it.  However, there have been times when I enter from B2 and someone else has been in the elevator.  And I don't want to be THAT girl.  So, instead of hitting the 1st floor button, I go up to the 4th floor.... wait a few seconds... and hit the down button to go back down to the 1st floor.  I know, I know... pathetic. 

Phew...  they say that you feel better after confessing something because you're not holding anything in.  Man, I can't tell you how good I feel getting that off my chest.  I might start confessing things more often.

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