Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Things that make me a bad girlfriend

I present to you... things that make me a bad girlfriend.

  1. I like to cook for my man, which in turn, might cause some weight gain... because I can cook really delicious things that aren't healthy but are most definitely "man approved"(this could fall into the "things that make me a good girlfriend" list, too).
  2. I like to read really horribly written books (i.e. Fifty Shades, Twilight, any Sophie Kinsella books) and will bring these books up in conversation.  
  3. I am a cuddle-rapper - sometimes I'll roll over and cuddle you even if you say no.  Sometime I like to be the big spoon.  What's so wrong with that?
  4. I like to hang out with my friends and would like my man to hang out with them, too (this could fall into the "things that make me a good girlfriend" list, too).
  5. I can't sleep if you snore at night.... so I will hit you and push you if you snore until you stop. 
  6.  I remember EVERYTHING!!!
  7. I will rag on you if you take longer than me to get ready... I don't take that long to look pretty.  
  8. I will get drunk and cry.  I'm a girl and I get emotional.  Ask my friends from college... we used to get drunk and cry to each other about how much we loved each other.  It was ridiculous. 
  9. I will always, and I repeat always, try to warm my freezing cold feet on your warm legs.  And you will hate it.  But deal with it because I cannot.stand.to.wear.socks.to.bed.
  10. I like to envelope myself in the comforter like a burrito when I sleep so you will not have the same amount of covers as me. 
  11. I will, more often times than not, pick a horrible RomCom if you let me choose the movie. 
  12. Never give me the remote - I will "accidentally" land on Jersey Shore or some other equally horrible reality TV show.
  13. Sometimes, I wear jewelry given to me by ex-boyfriends.  I will not tell you nor will I stop wearing them until our relationship turns serious.  
  14. I don't like PDA (this could fall into the "things that make me a good girlfriend" list, too).... unless I am drunk. 
  15. My feet smell when I wear my flats without socks... (I can't believe I just admitted this).
So, all in all, not too shabby.  My list of things that make me a good girlfriend will be coming soon.  So, keep checking back.

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