Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Girl Meets Boy

I recently got a text message from an ex, O, who happens to live in CA.  It was a picture of a Hello Kitty band-aid on his elbow.  I guess you all know by now that I am notorious for buying Hello Kitty band-aids (hello Target dollar bin).  I responded back to him with "Hello Kitty band-aid" and nothing else...  nothing flirty, nothing funny, just an observation.  He responded back with ":) You remembered!.  That's where I left it - remembered what?  Ha.  He wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box. 

Which got me to thinking... how did I meet someone like him?  And why did I date him?  I tend to go for smart guys.  It took me a while to remember the details of our meeting and actually had to ask my friend, M, who was with me the night we met to help fill in the blanks.  And then I started laughing... not because I couldn't remember, but because I had just received this article a few weeks back about the 25 douchiest bars in DC.  The bar we met in is listed at the #18 spot.  Without further ado... 

M and I headed out of my condo in Arlington around 10 pm on a Friday night to go to DC.  It was my Asian soul mate's birthday and he had gotten a table at "_(insert name)_" bar (this place changes names more often than I change my clothes in the morning getting ready for work -which is a lot, BTW).  However, dinner had run late and he was not at the club yet.  I remembered being a little perturbed that they were running late, but in retrospect, it helped validate my thinking that everything happens for a reason.  M and I had to kill some time so we hopped into Sign of the Whale (ugh!) and ordered a round of beers.  We were so out of place - wearing high heels and short dresses while everyone else was in jerseys and jeans.  Whatever, we were there for a beer and then we were heading out. 

Within 5 minutes of being there two men came up to introduce themselves.  M, who had a bf at that time, noticed the chemistry between O and I and chatted his friend up (she "took one for the team").  O was very chatty and decided to tell me what he thought of me as soon as I walked through the door... nothing creepy, nothing skanky... sweet yet ballsy.  He told me that he knew he needed to meet me (why can't more men be this forward?).  I was immediately smitten.  We asked them to come to the next bar with us but they were turned away at the door because O's friend wasn't wearing the appropriate foot attire.  Now, you're probably wondering why I didn't go to a different bar with them.  It's because I'm a good friend and couldn't ditch him on his birthday.  And O respected and admired that.  O and I exchanged numbers as we said good bye to each other and the rest, as they say, was history. 

After a few months O moved to CA, but not before asking me to move with him (not sure if he was serious or not).  Unfortunately, this was around the time I was applying to Grad schools and had to politely decline.  He even offered to help me get into USC (his alma mater) and would pay for it.  He was pretty persistent.  It didn't take much thought or time for me to say "no"...  which made me realize that, while I loved O, I didn't love him enough to make such a huge change for.  He still texts every once in a while to wish me a Happy Birthday or show me Hello Kitty bandaids, but I know nothing else is supposed to happen with us.  I mean, w met at one of the top douchiest bars in DC.  What was I expecting?  But in all seriousness, I'm grateful for the time spent with O and cherished every moment we had together.  I'm happy to say that he wasn't the greatest love of my life and am even happier that I have that to look forward to. 

**Side note:  while going to school for my Master's, I met and fell in love with someone who has forever change me.  While we are no longer together, I can honestly say that I felt the love that one would make huge changes for.  And it's something I am looking forward to experiencing again.  See, everything does, in fact, happen for a reason. 

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