Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Morning Ramblings

Back from Dewey Beach... and wouldn't you know it, it rained the entire time.  M is no longer allowed to pick dates for beach trips.  Although - I guess it's limited to JBS's availability.  So, I'll forgive her...  because if you saw this beach house, you would forgive her too.  But that's not the only reason why I'm friends with you, M... actually I've been friends with you since before the beach house when we used to exchange Harry Potter books and have curling iron bangs....  but I digress.
Well... first let me show you what I mean by curling iron bangs.
Obviously this is not M, but those are what her bangs kinda used to look like!  Amazeballs to say the least!

So, I have really fun friends.  And this weekend just solidified more why I'm friends with these people and why I've been friends with them for so long.  My one friend, B, is the most blunt person you will ever meet.  But she does it in a very loving way... unless she's drunk an then she gets angry.  It's hilarious when she gets surly and talks shit to people right in front of them.  And she talks LOUD... and lots of times I get scared that I'm going to get into a fight because of her mouth.  But it's okay because I know how to 2, 3, 2 a bitch!

Drunk angry B is amazing to watch.  Case in point:

  • Popping her booty.  She wants to be able to pop her booty like... well, you know.  So I try teaching her (not that I am, by any means, good at it).  And she tries.  And tries.  And tries.  And doesn't care if people are watching.  And she does it at The Lighthouse with men watching.  And she does it on the deck.  And she does it at Rusty Rudder.  And in the streets.  And on JBSs' husband.  Eating Pigs in a Blanket. And on the beach...  it's pretty awesome.  She doesn't give a fuck!  And I've recently learned that you can give both damns and fucks.  

One more week of Summer School and then I can rest for a week before I get back to work...  this summer has flown by.  It feels like only yesterday when I was doing reading buddies with my children.  

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