Sunday, August 19, 2012


I spent this past weekend packing up my dear friend, R, who is moving to Richmond to start her life with her new husband.  My job was to stand in her closet hold up clothes and her telling me if it was staying or being donated.  Sometimes we were on the same page and sometimes, M, her roommate would just come grab stuff from my hands and put it in the donate pile even before R could even choose.  And then we would all start laughing and crying.  Because it was bittersweet. 

I had imagined this experience going the way they show it in Sex and the City... you know, with Carrie in the closet and Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte sitting on the bed drinking champagne and listening to awesome 80s music.  But it wasn't... at the time.  Later in the evening, we went out for R and G's going away party.  And let me tell you, the night we spend drinking champagne, laughing and listening to awesome 90s music.  So, it worked itself out.

The night started at Hunan One and if you know anything about me, one of those big beers knocks me on my ass.  Maybe it was the emotions or the pacing of alcohol after that (dear Lord, I MUST be growing up) or the food I ate but I was fine!!  So we moved our party over to Clarendon Grill to listen to a not-so-known cover band and they were awesome.  I mean, what other cover band plays One Direction?  I had a video to upload to show the ridiculousness that was last night, but I keep getting an error message.  I'll keep looking into that.  In the meantime.. Here are some picture to document the night.

The happy couple!

R:  How much money would it take for you to hook up with the dude behind us?
G.I. Joe was in town!

Celebrating one of the last weekends before school starts up again.  Woomp Woomp!

...that's what makes you beautiful, giiiiirl!...

Enjoying the sounds of One Direction, TLC, Notorious B.I.G...

Insert Kat

The drink ninja strikes again... it's not hide yo' kids hide yo' wife, but hide yo' vodka drinks.

Next, maybe I show you a photo montage of the shit show that was the dance floor!

Thanks, and good night!

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