Thursday, August 9, 2012

Things that make me a good girlfriend

So by now you all realize that I love lists.  And I suppose this is a "part 2" from my previous post about things that make me a bad girlfriend.  So, without further ado, I give you "things that make me a good girlfriend":

  1. I like to cook for my man.  I can cook really delicious things that aren't healthy but are most definitely "man approved" (this was on the "things that make me a bad girlfriend" list as it can lead to weight gain).
  2. I love going to sporting events and tailgating... something I missed out on while attending JMU.  
  3. I like to buy little gifts if I am out shopping that I know my man will like or that reminds me of him.  I do little things like this to show you I care.
  4. Sick men are like babies.  I like to take care of my man by bringing pho or other sick-ish items to them.
  5. I enjoy going out with my friends and would like to my man to come hang out with us. 
  6. I remember EVERYTHING!!
  7. In return for allowing me to cuddle-rape you, I will rub/scratch your back as we fall asleep.
  8. I will never ask you to hold my purse.
  9. While I love watching cheesy RomComs, I love going to movies and watching horror flicks or action flicks. 
  10. I am not afraid to tell you how much I love you (is this something that men like?)
  11. It does not take me long to get ready for dates or in the morning.  I'm in and out in about 30 minutes.  
  12. I take hygiene VERY seriously.
  13. I have hot girl friends.
  14. I like to support my man in whatever it is they are interested in.  My favorites being anything athletic. 
  15.  I know how to act and look sexy without being trampy.  
  16. I am an amazing kisser. 
Damn, how I am still single?

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