Friday, August 24, 2012

So I say to myself "Halloween already"?

I went shopping today and was inundated with racks and racks of Halloween costumes.  It's not even September.  But that got me to thinking that this is the time of the year where I would be starting to think about my Halloween costume.  Do I do a homemade costume?  Am I part of a couple?  Do my friends want to do a group thing?  How skanky do I go? 

Fortunately for me, I will be in my best friend's wedding Halloween weekend so I won't have to even THINK about what to wear this year.  And I am so grateful for that.  But I know some of you will  need some ideas since you will not able to attend this amazing vineyard wedding.  So, I have come across some costumes that I think are amazing and would LOVE to see if some of you guys in them (through pictures of course)!  Here are some of my favorite homemade costumes... some of these are costumes on children but can easily be adapted to adults.

My favorite of the bunch is the yearbook picture costume.  I was actually just talking yesterday about back to school and being stressed and that reminded me of my elementary/middle school photos and how in EVERY SINGLE one of my school pictures I had a cold sore on my lip because I used to stress out SO MUCH about what to wear and how to do my hair.  I digress.  Here's a photo for the costume:

Up was one of my favorite animated movies.  I laughed, I cried, I geeked over how cute Russell was.  Here are two pictures that I think are awesome... yes, it might be old news and not relevant, but damnit, I still love them!

Something a little more relevant would be everyone's favorite swimmer, Michael Phelps.  Below you will see a picture of a costume that could be used... looks like lots of these things could be found lying around or at a store.  I think the arm floaties are hilarious... as would be adding a subway sub and/or a joint.

Alright - you guys already know by now my obsession for Johnny Depp.  This next costume idea needs to introduction or explainations. 

The next one is for a group of girls.  This is the one time for you to dress skanky as hell and not get shit for it.  Here is a group costume idea that pays homage to one of the worst (read:best) fast food restaurant out there.  You can change the phrase on the packet to say something equally as skanky as the outfit about a "taco"or such. 

Last, I present to you a couple's outfit.  Men loves boobs.  Why not let them dress as one.  What a great idea!! 

.....and you're welcome!  Can't wait to see all the Halloween pictures!

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