Friday, August 10, 2012

Little Things

Things I am looking forward to:
  • Dewey Beach with some ladies
  • 3 hour car rides to sing, laugh and discuss things
  • Kristen and the Noise at the Rusty Rudder
  • Orange Crushes
  • JBS's amazing beach house
  • SPF 8
  • M's wedding in October where a shit ton of wine will be included
  • A house full of boys not including R (phew, M, we dodged a bullet on this one)
  • Decorating a new apartment
  • Summer School being more than half way done
  • Being able to wear heels again after last Friday's wedge debacle
  • Setting up my classroom for school
  • Seeing who is in my class for next year
  • Eating my hard boiled eggs for breakfast
  • Finishing the last Fifty Shades book
  • Shaving my legs
  • Hugs from the kiddos

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