Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer School Gems

As I am scheduled to move to Shirlington this September, I signed up to teach summer school.  I wasn't aware that I would have to be there at 7:30 every morning.  That's almost a full hour earlier than normal school hours.  Nonetheless (God, I love that word) I am starting to enjoy it.  It's only 5 hours during the day, 4 of which the students are there.  Include a nice long recess and morning meeting and it's not too terrible.  I'm actually enjoying getting to know the rising 2nd graders... it's making me feel so much better about the upcoming school year (last year's group was horrendous!) As always, the students this year have give me stuff to laugh about, and naturally I am sharing it with you.  Here are a few gems from summer school so far:

A:  How do you spell bitch?  (due to language skills and slight accent, beach for this little girl sounds like bitch)

A: Are those whores on your shirt, Ms. K?  (due to language skills and slight accent, this same girl, from above, horses sounds like whores)

A (yes, same girl from above) during writing workshop wrote:
I went to the pool and beat off in the water.  (not sure what she means by that)

One of my students, E, walked into school today smelling like perfume.  And I kept asking her if she wore perfume.  She kept denying it out of fear that she would get in trouble.  So I tell her that she smells like me (I used to wear this all the time).  I asked her what perfume she was wearing and she replied with "Coco Chanel."  She was wearing Mademoiselle by Chanel, which unfortunately I can no longer wear as the ex, Omar, bought it for me.  But still, perhaps she will be my new mini-me this year... it's clear she already has great taste!  

Okay - so there's not very many funny things... I guess I jumped the gun a little....  still, I hope you enjoyed.  

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