Thursday, May 10, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Gift?

The same student from my post yesterday, S, came in today and asked me if I wanted a piece of gum.  First:  gum in forbidden at school.  Second:  it looks totally fake.  But, I was happy to oblige. 

S:  Ms. Kehler, would you like a piece of gum?

Look how fake it looks.  Also note that it's "Chuck E's" as in Chuck E. Cheese.

Me:  (humoringhim) Sure!  Thanks!

S starts cracking up and starts singing "La cucaracha" complete with arms movements and snaps.  After a few minutes of us shakin' it, he hands me a very nice card with a apple necklace inside of it.

I guess this gentleman really does appreciate me.  And that makes my job worth it. 

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