Sunday, May 13, 2012


I love hotels.  I love how the rooms are so similiar yet so different.  Sounds a little contradictory, but life is full of contradictions (right, Starbursts?).  I love the mystery that comes with staying at a hotel.  Who stayed in the room before?  What kinds of things happened?  Why are people staying at the hotel?  Is that someone's mistress?  What do people wonder when they see me at a hotel?

There was a time when I was working at a consulting firm and I was in charge of planning a conference.  I had set up a meeting at the Omni Shoreham in DC and my boss wanted to come check it out with me.  So, we went together.  Let me tell you that my boss was 60 years old... and not attractive in the least.  I was much younger and wore my tightest pencil skirt (a different story for a different day) when I knew I was going to be venturing into the city.  When we arrived at the hotel and the two of us got out of the car together, I saw several people glance and whisper.  It was awkward.  But that's the kind of mystery I'm talking about. 

I've been to several hotels in several cities and countries.  I've been to cheap ones, medium prices ones, the over prices ones... I've tried them all.  This past weekend I was in my best friends wedding at the Hay Adams Hotel in DC.  This hotel, by far, is the best hotel I've ever stayed at.  Carrie was upgraded to the Presidental Suite - yes, the same suite where the Obama's lived before his inauguration.  So, while we were busy doing wedding day things I sat in chairs where he sat.  I used the bathrooms he used.  I saw the same view of his home as he did.  It was everything you could imagine. I mean, check out this view:

The people at the Hay Adam's were some of the friendliest people.  I never had to open a door, hail a cab or wait for anything.  It was like being treated like a princess.  It was nice at first, but the novelty wore off.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it but I also felt guilty that these people were doing things that I was completely capable of doing.  Weird, right?

One word to describe the rooms:  toile.  Everything was toile.  It was lovely.  The beds were the most comfortable beds I've EVER slept in.  I had to fight using all my strength to untuck my bed but when I did, I was able to wrap myself like a burrito and be enveloped by fluffy cloud like heaven.   This is a picture of my bed for the weekend.  I love that they gave me lots of pillows to chose from.

And with those extra pillows, I made myself a nice cuddle buddy to put my butt on (again, a different story for a different time).

Each night, they would come in and leave slippers at the foot of the bed, chocolates on the pillow and the weather forecast for the next day.  It was delightful.  And the slippers were so comfortable... I was tempted to take them with me but thought differently when I was trying to guess how much they would charge me.  $50? $100?  Not sure... so I didn't take the risk.

Look how cute the panda bear is.  You were supposed to leave him on your bed if you wanted to be eco-friendly and keep your linens.  Cute and caring...  impressive, Hay Adams... super impressive.

I think my favorite part of the hotel was the toilet.  You know you're at a super fancy hotel when you have the option of heated seats to keep your butt warm while you do your business.  It's also awesome when you have rear and front cleansing options.  A bidet times 3.  I gotta be honest (I didn't tell anyone this) but I tried it out - both front and rear.  And it was weird.  Weird with a hint of exhilaration.  Imagine a warm stream of water splashing your undercarriage. 

So, after all is said and done... this hotel gets a 10 out of 10 stars in my book.  It is definitely a hotel that everyone should check out when celebrating a special occasion - if only for one night.  The whole reason I was able to stay at such a classy hotel was, for sure, a very special occasion - Carrie and Christian's wedding.  And, in case you were all wondering, the wedding was incredible - the best wedding to date and a gorgeous wedding for the books.   I will leave you with one last picture - me with the bride after a fabulous night...  right before heading back to the wonderfully fluffy hotel bed.

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