Sunday, May 6, 2012

Eye Opener

As I was driving home from a crazy weekend, I witnessed one of the most horrific accidents on the FFX County Parkway...  we're talking rolled SUVs and loud crunchs and smoking skid marks.  It's one of those things that makes your heart stop... and your body start to shake...  and then, as if the person in the SUV was a member of my own family, I started bawling my eyes out.  It's a feeling you just can't explain.

Watching an experience like this makes you think.  It put my life in perspective.  Life is fragile and too short.  Too short to take things for granted.  Too short to get pissed off at things that don't really matter.  So, instead of holding grudges and playing by life's "rules" I'm going to make an effort to let things roll off my back.  I'm gonna break some rules.  I'm going to enjoy my life each day as if it was my last and I'm going to tell people who I truly care about how much I love them.  I'm going to stop sweating the small stuff - and if you look at the grand scheme of things, it's all small stuff. 

(on another note: bachelorette party post will be up soon... gotta weed through some pictures). 

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