Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Good vs. Great

I've been doing a lot of reflection lately and have realized something that doesn't completely sit well with me. 
I'm naturally good at a lot of things but I don't think I'm great at anything - I don't excel in one thing. I have friends that are great musicians.  I have friends that are great story tellers.  I have friends that are great artists.  I have friends that are great at picking up men and/or women.  I have friends that are great stylists.  I have friends that are great cooks.  I have friends that are great planners. I have friends that are great computer engineers.  I am none of these things.

Here's my thought though...  is it better to know about many things in a "good" or "above-average" way rather than excel at a few things and be very deficient at a few things?  It's sort of like my doctor friends who are super smart book-wise but have no common sense whatsoever.  If I grew up exceling at something, would that mean that I would not be good at some of the things I'm currently good at?  Can I have the best of both worlds?

I know I'm good at a lot of things.  For example:
  • I'm a good cook (not great.  I'm not one of those people who can see ingredients in a pantry and put something delicious together)
  • I'm a good teacher (I could potentially be a great one, but not this year with these kids)
  • I'm good at reading books from all different genres.
  • I'm a good driver (no comments necessary - disregard the huge rusted scratch on my tire wheel.. I blame the confined spaces in the parking garage)
  • I'm a good friend and partner
  • I'm good at drawing something if I have a picture of it in front of me (I can't draw from nothing)
  • I'm good at shoe shopping
  • I'm a good dancer (not great - but I can get down)
  • I'm good at loving people (thought I don't tell people often - which is why I'm not great at it)
  • I'm a good napper
  • I'm good at switching up my look
  • I'm good at keeping time and promises
  • I'm a good cuddleraper (ask Michelle)
There are just a few things...  but what am I great at?  What do I excel in?  Can I find one thing I'm interested in enough to become excellent in?
  • Often times I wonder that the thing that I will be great at won't happen until the future. 
    • Maybe I'm meant to be a great mother. 
    • Or a great wife. 
    • Or a great bag/cat lady 
  • Sometimes I think that I should have followed my medical path and excelled that way. 
    • Could I have found a cure for cancer...
    • Or herpes... 
    • Or Alzheimers?
  • Maybe I'll be discovered and become a great face model.  I mean, have you seen my symmetrical my face is?  And let's not forgot my most favorite feature - my lips.  Like, woah.
  • I could try harder and become a great teacher.  Let's work on that for next year as there are only 22 days left in school for this year.
  • I could also try to learn another instrument.  I failed at the flute, the recorder and the guitar.  Maybe I should try the trombone...  just a thought.
Anyways, these are just a few of the things that are running around in my head.  I probably shouldn't dwell on them so much.  I know that one day I'll discover that THING, but for now I'm enjoying being good at most things and not great at anything. 

1 comment:

  1. You are a great friend, and GREAT cuddleraper.
