Sunday, May 20, 2012

Miss me?

I *thought* I would be blogging a lot this weekend with anticipations of being hungover on the couch with my red computer. 

But I was wrong...

I was swamped with beautiful weather stuff.

And tribal drum circles.

And the opening of Artomatic.

And wearing hot pink lipstick.

And cab rides.

And wearing high heels.

And listening to the worst band at C.Grill.

And Pedialyte.

And brunch with mimosas.

And unexpectedly exploring Falls Church after unexpectedly bumping into an old friend.

And more than usual amounts of showering.

And lamp chops, crabcakes, filet sliders, scallops and colossal sssskrimps.

And a lot of open bar booze.

And fedora hats.

And a crazy Bob Ross look-a-like with light colored jeans.

And a dozen red roses.

And Ozio's rooftop with the bartender that looks like JGL.

And hot, sexy dancing with two hot, sexy California girls.

And Kanye West sunglasses for DJ Lookz birthday.

And celebrating one of my best friend's engagement.

And a 2 am ShinRamen run with the Small.

And coffee runs with my Oma.

And Zumba-ing for poor Haitian and Dominican Republican children.

And a belated Mother's Day dinner.

And al fresco ice cream.

And procrastinating.

I had a fabulous time this weekend.  Plus:  I have a lot of fun stories to tell.  And I'll let you punks in on a little secret.  I missed you. 

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