Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Why is it....

  • that the student whose parents should not create any more kids gets pregnant with twins?
  • that the student who is the worst behaved in class is never absent?
  • that they decided to put in a Chick-fil-A on my route home?
  • that I'm always single during wedding season?
  • when I go shopping with my mom and she offers to pay for things I never find anything to buy but when I go shopping alone, I come way with too much stuff?
  • that red wine gets me more drunk faster than white wine?
  • that flatulence makes me laugh more than anything else in the world?
  • that I can sing and dance in front of 20 8-year old but can't stand in front of adults and give a speech?
  • that karma waits too long to be a bitch?
  • that people who can't form a sentence in Spanish can speak fluently in Spanish the more they drink?
  • that a salad always tastes better when someone else makes it for you?
  • that I have a hard time remembering to live in the moment?
  • that I always laugh at inappropriate times?
  • that sometimes walking down stairs makes me dizzy?
  • that hot dogs taste the best outdoors at a baseball game?
  • speaking of baseball games, that the beer there seems to have more alcohol content in it?
  • that more places don't sell frozen red bull & vodkas?

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