Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A few of my favorite things....

Have I ever told you about one of my favorite students, we'll call him S, who still happens to get under my skin about 99% of the time?  I have a love/hate relationship with S.  He's my emo kid whose favorite song is "Livin' On A Prayer"... and he's the one who told me he wished he were at Hogwards School for Witchcraft and Wizardy when I told him to do something he didn't want to do.  He's the one who wears his homemade Limp Bizkit t-shirt and the "I'm pretty much the coolest kid I know" t-shirt all the time.  He's also the student who can read anything put in front of him and understand it... one of the only students who seems to understand my sarcasm... and he's the first one to bring me gifts on special occasions.  Have I ever told you about S? I think I have... but let me tell you something else about S.  He is a gentleman.   

As I was DRA-ing him about the book he had just read, he farts a large one.  One that my dad would let rip.  And to make things worse (read: awesome!) he was sitting on a large plastic chair so the fart vibrated.  And he stopped and looked at me with his big doe-eyes and smiled a toothless smile.  And just as I was expecting him to say "excuse me", he continued with his summarizing.  And, if you know anything about me, you'll know that I had to turn my back to him and start laughing.  But I did it silently (unlike his fart). 

After his summarizing I replied to him "S, don't you want to say excuse me or something?  You totally just farted."  No response.  He went back to his test.  Normally I would have kept on going but this WAS an extremely important test so I didn't push the issue. 

Upon completion of the test as I was walking him out of the Library, he ran in front of me to open the door.  "After you" he said kindly.

"Thank you, S." I replied back.

"You're welcome!  I'm a gentleman!"  S. said with a smile. 

Really kid?  Because I'm pretty sure you just farted, acknowledged it, and refused to say excuse me.  Have I told you how much I love this kid?

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