Thursday, May 31, 2012

I like Lists

I like lists.  I like to cross things off lists... a lot.  Sometimes I'll make lists and add things that I've already accomplished just so I can cross it off.  But this isn't a crossing off list.  It's just a regular list.  And as you know this blog is no stranger to my lists...  so here goes another one. 

Things I have issues with at the moment:
  • anything but wax dental floss (the other ones snag and break apart)
  • seeing toe-independent shoes at zumba or kickboxing (sorry shea)
  • liars
  • overly cocky people (you are not that special/cute/funny/smart/etc.)
  • people who don't wear normal deodorant (get out of here with that organic shit - you stink)
  • people with bad breathe
  • how expensive Arlington housing is
  • a teacher's salary
  • This Nicki Minaj song:
  • skinny girls who think they are fat
  • students who come to school unkempt (issue with the parents, not the child)
  • the men at school who have been "hollering" since my new found singledom
  • not being tan
  • the lack of adult hiphop classes (zumba doesn't count)
  • that these people are still relevant and that people are still watching their show

Things I do not have issues with:
  • Trader Joe's turkey corn dogs
  • Trader Joe's Fresh Linen Hand Soap
  • 12 days left of school
  • raindrops on roses
  • whiskers on kittens
  • bright copper kettles
  • warm woolen mittens
  • brown paper packages tied up with strings
  • Charlotte's Web and popcorn party with Ms. H's class on Friday
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Meditation/Yoga
  • supportive friends
  • buses to NYC
  • Jenna Marbles:
  • new born babies
  • laughter
  • cheesy RomComs
  • writing in a journal (or blog) [are you there God?, it's me, Margaret]
  • reading the newest postApocalypse book that is said to be the next "Hunger Games"
  • Summer cleaning (I'm a little behind the times)
  • high heels
  • that my BFF is moving back to DC at the end of July
  • Stupid Puns:  You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass.
  • body pillows such as this one

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