Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Blast from the Past

Do you remember from my grad school days when I would go to Panera and do all my work for class (and make googly eyes and witty comments at C, who I thought at the time would be the next love of my life)?  And do you remember that there was an older gentleman there who would always wear camo and try and have converstaions with me?  And do you remember that on the very last day I was to be at Panera he whispered into my ear "You're too young for Big Daddy" and then I vomitted in my mouth?  If that wasn't already going to be my last day at Panera it sure as hell would have been. 

Fast forward to 2 years later.  I am on my way to school and stop by my Starbucks for my usual iced venti red-eye when I hear a "Pssss!"  Not normally one to answer cat calls, I was slightly intrigued to see who had the nerve to "Psss" someone at 7:30 in the morning.  I turn my head to the right and, lo and behold, it's Big Daddy... wearing the same camo gear and still sporting his big white beard.  Are you kidding me?  What was I to do? 

Well, I tell you what I did.  I nodded my head to acknowledge him as not to seem like a total B and continued my way to get my morning upper.  Haider, my flirty barista, upgraded my venti to a trenta (as usual) and I was on my merry way... or so I thought.  As I was fixing up my drink at the sugar station, Big Daddy yells from behind his computer "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other again."  Dagger.  He rememebered me.

My dilemna:  do I continue to go to my usual Starbucks and get free upgrades and self-eestem boosting compliments from Haider while avoiding Bid Daddy or do I find a new place to get my morning coffee?  Keep in mind that there are only 17 days left of school and I will be moving in August.  I can do 17 days, right? 

I wish I had a picture of Big Daddy for you.  But, alas, I do not. 

1 comment:

  1. Everyone needs a good self esteem boost from time to time I say continue on for the next 17 days and enjoy the much DESERVED attention! Love you Allie
