Thursday, June 7, 2012

SBux Saga continued...

I walked into SBux this morning and Old Man was sitting in his new "usual" spot watching his computer.... I imagine him to be downloading 80s porn of some sort.  He claims he's doing work but his comptuer is so old I'm not sure what company would still be using it. 

When Haider, my sexy flirty barista, was calling the order when he was done he yelled "iced venti coffe with two shots of tequila".... and I wanted to throw up in my mouth.  Not because it sounded disgusting (which it does) but because I was hungover....  see, what had happened was that I had too much to drink last night.  A dinner with B to discuss bachelorette party agenda turned into a night of trivia night and beers with a Christian Bale look-a-like...  it was awesome.  It's those nights that you least expect to turn into a wild night that you do have a wild night (for a school night at least).

As I was putting some milk and one Splenda (so you guys know how I like my coffee for future reference) into my drink I thought of you guys.  See, I want you guys to see what Old Man looks like.  So you can feel my pain.  But then I got to thinking... there is no covert way of taking a picture on your iPhone.  It's way too obvious that one is trying to take a picture (as we learned the hard way last night).  Because we were in the presence of a Christian Bale look-a-like, my sister, K, decided to take a picture.  And as she trying to be stealthful about it, a loud click went off... and that's when the blindly flash went off... right in his face.  And she was mortified.  But it was hilarious.  So, yeah... there was no good way of getting a picture of Old Man.  Sorry friends.  You'll just have to use your imagination. 

1 comment:

  1. Total botch by K in trying to take that picture. BOTCH!!
