Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Biebs

So I really enjoy Justin Bieber's song Boyfriend.  It's so mature and he channels Justin Timberlake (who is on my top 5 list of celebrities I can sleep with while I'm in a relationship and it won't count against me).  I actually think JBiebs is a good singer.  He's got a good voice and good range.  I'm not ashamed to admit that I like some of his songs.

Then I saw his music video for Boyfriend.  And I feel creeped out.  I can't watch it.  It's really weird to see him trying to be older and sexy.  In my mind, he will always be 15.  I just can't explain it.  It's really awkward to watch.  It's like that episode of that Diaries of a Virgin where the first kiss the couple had was up at the alter.  And she's sucking his face and kissing him awkwardly.  You don't want to watch it but you can't turn away... actually, it's not like that at all.  It's really awkward and I don't want to watch it.   If you haven't seen it, here it is:

See what I mean?  Weird. 

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