Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Right Path?

Yesterday I went to my friend S birthday cookout and got to meet her new baby.  My other friend K was there with her new baby.  I was in newborn heaven.  I smelled their heads, kissed all over them and breathed in their innocence.  During the course of the night, the topic of psychics and mediums came up.  My friend K was telling us about this time when she was 16 and her mom brought her to a lady who described what her life was going to be like.  And she said it was extrememly accurate.  Of course, she didn't tell us much more aobut what the lady had said but that her life was on the "right path." 

That night, as I drove home, I got to thinking about my life and the decisions I've made up to this point.  Am I on the "right path"?  Have my decisions throughout my life veered me off my path?  I know that, while I might not be on it currently, that I will eventually get to where I am supposed to be.  And, having had a few mango margaritas, I so proundly decided that it's the twists and turns in life that make the journey.... well, a journey.  Did some of my bad decisions made my path harder?  Would better decisions have made the journey more adventurous? 

When I got home, I was digging through my old stuff and remembering some of the decisions I made that could have altered where I was in my journey.  What would of happened if I didn't cry the entire time through the baby cereal commercial?  Would I be a star today making millions of dollars?  Perhaps that would have led me to becoming a child star who would eventually become a recovering drug addict.  Who knows?  What would my life be like right now if I would have moved to California with Omar (not his real name and only my close friends know why we'll call him that).  Would he have paid my way through USC grad school like he promised and would I be hobknobbing with the celebrities?  What if I had chosen to go to OSU instead of JMU?  What if I had continued my dancing and been really good and been a backup dancer for Beyonce or Lady Gaga?  What if, right?

All these questions.... the decisions I've made have lead me to where I am now.  And I'm happy with that.  As I continued to dig through my stuff I came across my JMU photo scrapbook and took a journey back to 1999-2003.  And I came to a page that stopped me dead in my tracks.  Let's rewind a little bit.  Sophmore year of JMU, C and I decided to be roommates on campus.  We wanted to live on the quad... so we could go lay out between classes and get a tan... and to watch the nice tan skateboarders ride by.  It was the perfect place to be during Springtime at JMU.  And we got it!  The dorm was called Spotswood.  Little did we know that it was a substance free dorm.  Meaning no alcohol or cigarette smoke.  Whoomp Whoomp.  Needless to say the students in the dorm (minus C and I) were on the nerdy side.

There was one guy named, D, who was obsessed with us... and he was a photographer for the school's newspaper.  So every week, he would come and interview us for the "opinions" section of the newspaper and then take our picture for it.  It got old after a while... especially since none of our opinions or photos ever appeared in the newspaper.  One time I decided that I was going to give a horrible answer in hopes that he would never ask me again.  And wouldn't you know it, that's the interview he used for the next week's Opinion section.  oh.dear.lord!

Questions:  What will you be doing this very second 10 years from now.
My response (complete with my picture next to it):  Waiting at the gates for my baby daddy to be released from prison. 

Yoinks!!  WTF?  What was I thinking?  Is that something that changed the way of my "right path"?  Was someone going to ask me out and then saw this in the paper and then thought "no way!"?  I mean... come on now.  That could have ruined my chances of kissing someone on the Kissing Rock at JMU.  What if this was the thing that made me not get a job?  But, alas, I've realized that there was a reason I chose to do that.  And I'm okay with that.  Everything happens for a reason.  The choices I make are for a reason.  And it's lead me to where I am now. 

But, see me in May 2013... Perhaps I will have a baby daddy and will be waiting at the gates for him to be released from prison.  Anyone interested?

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