Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I finally checked out of school for the summer.  And here is what my classroom looks like now:

So I'm sitting in M's room watching her clean/clear her room.  She had WAY more stuff than I did (teaching a lower grade for many more years) so it's taking her a lot longer.  On a competely different note, I'm happy to report that M will be joining my 2nd grade team next year and I couldn't be more excited.  Reading Buddies EVERYDAY?!  Mayhaps.  :)

As I'm watching her clean while writing this blog (read: I'm a horrible friend) it got me to thinking about my past and how I used to LOVE cleaning.  I can't say that I completely hate cleaning today - some of my favorite things to do are cleaning out my closet, doing laundry, and washing dishes but when I was younger I was into it a lot more.  I think I can contribute that to growing up with my grandparents living with us and I was just used to it.  

My favorite and most vivid memory was when I was in elementary school.  I used to be huge into Disney and princesses (me?  I know, right?).  I used to fall for the whole story line where the Princess, who lived a horrible life, would be saved by the Prince Charming.  This is the part that gets sort of embarrassing.  The house we used to live in had a carport.  When my parents would go to work during the summers, I would purposefully go get handfuls of dirt and rocks and scatter them around the carport floor.  I would lace up my roller skates, grab the broom and roll around the carport sweeping the dirt and rocks out of the carport.  Oh, its gets better... while I was doing this (and hoping my Prince Charming would come sweep me off my feet) I would be singing Disney songs.  I'm pretty sure I did this almost everyday.

So, in conclusion.  I was, and still am, a huge nerd. 

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