Sunday, June 3, 2012

Good Times

I finally had a weekend where I had absolutely nothing to do...  No wedding stuff...  No baby showers...  No travelling.  It's been a while since I've had such a weekend and I have to tell you it was amazing.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I love doing all of those things for the people I care about.  But nothing is more relaxing and necessary than a weekend dedicated to yourself. 

Friday night was supposed to be a night full of frozen RB&Vs, baseball hats, tight pants and Harper.  But thanks to tornado warnings, it was rained out and my first baseball game of the season was cancelled.  Things happen for a reason.  The rain Gods must have known that I was in desperate need of girls' night because I had the priviledge of having dinner with two of the most genuine people ever, R and V.  They say that you are the people you keep... well if this is the case, then I am smart, funny, caring, sensitive and loyal.  Because that's what R and V are.  And I can't begin to explain how much of a great time I had with them drinking, eating, cooking and laughing.  Our conversations covered a wide range of topics with various levels of seriouness.  Some conversations were mainly humourous in nature with a lot of laughter and tears from around the table.  Other converstation took more serious tone as we discussed relationships, unsettlement, future goals and worldly concerns.  We sometimes agreed, sometimes disagreed and sometimes had to poop our pants.  We left that night more solid in our friendships.  Even though the three of us have developed different levels of friendship with each other, I would be confident in saying that we would be there for one another, in a heartbeat, if needed.  I sometimes forget how important good girlfriends, good wine and good conversation are to a person's well being. I am grateful to be friends with such good quality people. 

The next day I was invited to go lounge at the pool with one of my other dear friend, M.  While she chatted with the other 2 girls who were with us, I layed out listening to my favorite songs on my iPhone and drinking my favorite drink - white wine.  Sometimes I would take my buds out and join in on the conversation the girls were having.  Other times I would take my buds out to make witty comments to the rando boys sitting next to us.  But mostly, I soaked up the sun and reflected.  I have a good life.  I have good friends.  I have a good family.  I am lucky.  That night I had a movie marathon with M.  We laughed, we cried, we got angry at things.  It was good to let out so many different emotions in a short amount of time.  It's human nature.  Without them, we'd all walk around like the Stepford Wives. 

Today, my mom and I went out on a shopping spree.  I love shopping with my mom.  I'll buy her things sometimes and she'll buy me things sometimes.  We take turns.  We like to share and give to each other.  While I bought her some make-up brushes, she bought me an Auntie Anne's pretzel (and no shopping spree is complete without an AA pretzel and lemonade).  Sometimes she'll find an incredible purse for herself, buy it and then decide that she's much too little for such a large bag.  Today, I benefitted from being an amazonian Asian and got an amazingly beautiful Italian purse.  It feels like butta.  The older I get the more I realize how much I am my mother's daughter.  I get my giving nature from her.  It's one of my favorite things I inherited from her (2nd would be our love for shoes).  I get my extra large heart from her.  I get my sensitivity and curiousity from her.  I get my smarts and efficiency and my non-aging skin from her.  I can only hope to amount to be an amazing woman like her. 

It was a great weekend... one that probably won't happen again for a while but I'm still thankful for it.  I hope your weekends were just as amazing.  You and I both deserve it! 

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