Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Saw the Sign... and it Opened Up My Eyes

The other day I wrote about some experiences I had at JMU.  Last night as I was reading my book in bed I noticed a poster on a corkboard that I had given my sister when she was at Tech (don't ask me why I'm sleeping in my sister's room - I'll throw some middle child attitude at you).  And it was a compliation poster of a very special gentleman named Benjamin Franklin Schumin (I kid you not, that's his real name).  My sister had the pleasure of running into this JMU legend when she visited me the ONE time she did.  He made quite a lasting impression on her, hence why I made the poster of him.

I got back to thinking about Ben Schumin.  And how we would roll down the sidewalks on his Razor scooter (yes, he was in college and had a razor scooter).  And he would just say hello to anyone and everyone he met.  And I remember seeing him in the lines to get food or the admissions offices and how he would chat up the people around him.  While he looked like someone you wouldn't want to be friends with you couldn't help being drawn to him.  He had a "I don't care what people think of me" attitude along with a "I'm friendly" attitude.  He was a charmer.  And smart.  And nerdy funny.  It worked for him. 

I look back to that time.  I judged him.  I used to laugh at him.  And snicker.  Why?  Probably because I was a B.  I cared too much about looks.  I cared too much about what people thought of me.  I look back and kinda dislike myself for that.  And here I am today.  I want to be more like B.F. Schumin.  I want to care less about what others think of me - if I'm happy with myself then others will be, too... right?  I would like to be confident enough in myself to make conversation with people around me.  I've been told I put off a stand-offish vibe when I am meeting new people... how does one get over that?  I tell you how:  by adopting a Benjamin Franklin Schumin attitude.  Boom!

This morning I was on FB and noticed that my friend, A, commented on a picture... and wouldn't you know it, it was B.F. Schumin!  And I chuckled... not because of his goofy grin.  But because I had just read the poster about him... and was adopting his philosophy... and because it validated my feelings about the world was showing me signs.  B.F. Schumin now works in DC and is doing great things for himself.  He seems like a good person to know.  My biggest dilemna is whether or not I should friend him.  Would that be too weird?

Now.. tonight, I think I'll do some reading on Johnny Depp and try to adopt his attitude.  Maybe the world will send him to me, too?

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