Tuesday, November 27, 2012


It's that time again.... LIST TIME!!!  It's been awhile and, if you're anything like me, you've gone through withdrawal.  Soo... without further ado, I present to you:  Things I've done the past week (in random order)!

  1. got my first gel manicure (b/c my nails are finally growing out - thank you biotin)
  2. bought my first real gown (since high school prom and my parents bought that for me) for my date to the Australian Embassy Gala
  3. super glued my finger nail when it cracked
  4. made out at Rumors like I was 21 all over again
  5. unintentionally stayed awake while on NyQuil... weirdest feeling ever
  6. gave my number to a guy after he used a Harry Potter pickup line on me
  7. went to Jay's Saloon for the first time, EVER (I think)!
  8. saw J be "the show"... FINALLY
  9. grilled my cougar roommate's man-du-jour, then split a pizza with him...
  10. bought a new iphone case... loves
  11. went grocery shopping like a big girl
  12. learned to let go of things out of my control... and it feels AMAZING
  13. found out my cousin is dating someone who is going to be drafted to the NFL... hello free tickets!
  14. played (not well) my guitar
  15. ate a shit load of my grandma's kimchee
  16. rearranged some owls in my apartment
  17. was reminded that I am "in the middle" in every way possible
  18. caught up on Homeland
  19. got my roommate sick (?)
  20. had some really effed up and crazy dreams
It's time to take some more NyQuil to try and knock this cold out and have some crazy effed up dreams...  What did you do?

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