Monday, November 19, 2012

Friendsgiving 2012

The 3rd Annual Friendsgiving was held last night at The Jungle House.... okay, okay.  So I just made up that name... T and I haven't named our house yet.  No clever name like the Nad Pad, Blue Door...  still working on this.

The invites were sent and people responded with what they were bringing.  We had a great spread going but there was one thing that no one had touched...  and it was the one item T and I were worried.  Oh, dear - the turkey.  Who on earth would want to buy, baste, brine and cook the turkey?  You know who stepped up?  Betty Crocker M...  she just recently got married and was dying to put her wedding gifts to use.  SOLD!

Lots of emails were sent with reminders or food, parking sitch and to bring tupperware for leftovers.  The big day arrived and we were so excited.  Having cooked, cleaned and popped open some wine, we were greeted by lots of friends, lots of wine and lots of food.

Here's M making the gravy from the turkey drippings.
While the turkey was resting and the sides were being warmed, everyone socialized and found places to sit and/or stand.  See, the unfortunate part about our place is that there isn't enough room for people to sit.  There were about 20 people here and about room for about 10 people to sit and eat comfortably.  Fives were definitely called.

Talking about the weather.

Tommy telling a story.

Complaining about no where to sit.  Hey geniuses, look behind you.  Two empty chairs. 
 As I was in the kitchen cooking some chicken wings, I was happily greeted by one of my favorite people wearing!!!  Let me just warn you.  This picture is about to put a smile on your face.  Having a bad day?  Not after seeing this picture.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  Ladies and gentlemen... I introduce to you, P and his pussy.

As I was snapping the picture, P decided to give me the most awkward pose ever.  Well done, P.  Well done.
Amazing shirt, right?  P was coming into the kitchen to open the 4 cans of Cranberry Sauce he brought.  One of those cans was strictly for him.  We couldn't find the can opener to save our lives.  We looked in every drawer.  After having searched forever, T finally opens the cabinet and busts out the can opener.  Again, I must prepare you for this one.  Think back to when you were growing up.  And remember the rroooaoroooroorow sound of your mom opening cans of corn using the old school can opening machine?  Ladies and gentlemen....  our can opener.

First, I broke the handle off.  Then we couldn't figure out how to do it.  I need to buy a hand held opener. 
The food was all ready to be served.  Herein lied (laid?) the problem.  Without really thinking about this, we asked R and J, our dear yet unreliable friends, to be in charge of buying the paper products and silverware for this event.  J was on time and came bringing heavy duty paper products.  Kudos.  The time was 6:30.  Our event started at 5.  We had no silverware.  R had botched the situation.  So we had to wait for him...  and once he walked into the place he was met with BOOs.  Here he is putting away the wine (for the ladies) and his one box of assorted cutlery (Ah ha!  But the jokes on us!  R went out to his car and magically appeared a more boxes of cutlery - well done Frogg!).

We love you, R!!
The wine was flowing.  I asked my roommate to pour me a glass of red wine.  Here is what she gave me.  Let me just say that this glass is HUGE.  Nice pour, roommate!  No wonder I didn't feel good this morning. 

It was finally time to cut the turkey.  Typically, the man of the household would carve the turkey.  But since it's just two girls living here, we needed to find a fair way to choose which man was going to carve it for us.  So, we did what any other females would do.  We had the guys whip out their franks and beans and sword fight to get a winner.  Okay, okay... that's a lie.  But that would have been awesome.  We went with the guy who was wearing the best shirt.  And here was the winner:

Okay - so I just wanted to put his picture up again.  hahaha. 
  Here is P carving the turkey like a pro:

The turkey was amazingly moist and delicious.  M's first turkey was a huge success!  Congrats to her- that is such a feat!  Here was our spread.  Turkey, tequila lime chicken wings, mac-n-cheese muffins, Italian rice balls, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, corn, green bean casserole, rigatoni, salad, sweet potato casserole, gravy, pumpkin pie, pumpkin roll, pumpkin cheesecake, wine cake, and key lime pie.  Oh, don't forget the wine.  One word - phenomenal.

After the food was devoured and we were all stuffed it was time to pack some to-go tupperware.  The majority of the guys didn't read our emails all the way and so they didn't read the part where it suggested bringing tupperware to take food to go.  Now, the ones that did read the email all the way through came with their tupperware.  Wanna see what it looks like?  When I say they brought their tupperware, they BROUGHT THEIR TUPPERWARE!

I mean, the biggest tupperware EVER!!  Well done, S and B. 

After dinner/dessert/drinks I walked into the kitchen to two very disturbing scenes.  The first one is disturbing slash hilarious slash common (see what I did there?  I wrote the word slash instead of using /).  Here are everyone's two favorite dogs going at it... well, I guess just one of them is going at it and the other one is taking it.
Get it, S!!!

The last picture is of an innocent box of chicken stock.  Now, the dripping that is strategically placed on the box is still a mystery.  And I'm not sure if it was strategically place or if it was purely coincidence... but it looks like RR is definitely enjoying something creamy on Thanksgiving.  Here you go!

After everything was said and done we had a great time.  I am thankful for such good friends (who are amazing cooks), an amazing roommate who enjoys entertaining as much as I do and great chemistry with each and everyone of my friends.  You can't find that with just anyone.   Friendsgiving 2012 was a huge success.  I would be happy to host again next year but am willing to pass on the torch like it was passed on to me (and my roommie, of course).   

May your Thanksgiving be as blessed and amazing as mine was.  If this is what Friendsgiving was like, I can't wait to do Thanksgiving with my family.... and lots of Korean food!!  Mmmm, maybe next year you'll be invited! 

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