Wednesday, November 7, 2012

That One Kid

Each year's crop of kids brings that one kid that gets under your skin.  This year's nugget, J, is by far the most active child I have ever witnessed.  And he's the bane of my existence during the school day (way harsh, Ty).

He's reading at a Kindergarten level.

He's talkative.

He's hyperactive.

He can't do work independently.

He's constantly tapping me to ask a question or show me something.

He's always interrupting.

He shouts out.


He's also hilarious.

And he's adorably cute.

And sweet.

And creative.

And has a great smile.

And looks like a wolf.

And smart (despite the Kindergarten reading level, I know it's there.  It's just being blocked by something.  He ranked above average in math scores and has a memory like mine).

He was out today for a doctor's appointment.  And it was a great day!  The kids were on task... I wasn't raising my voice....  they weren't distracted.  We were focused and learning and it was quiet.
Was it an easier day?  Hell yes.  Where we much more productive?  Absolutely.  But I missed him.  A lot.  I missed his face.  And I missed his sense of humor.  And I missed him drawing on my back while he tries to sit calmly on the carpet.  But mostly I missed his presence.  He's my one kid that gets under my skin the most but is also the one kid that everyone notices is missing on days like today.  And the class just doesn't feel complete.

The important part to remember, for me, is that I missed him.  And I can't wait for him to come back into class tomorrow.  And, with all the negative feelings I've recently had for teaching and this school year, this development reminds me that I'm absolutely, 100% in the right profession.  

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