Thursday, February 28, 2013

Did Ya Miss Me?

Things I suck at as of recent:
  • saying "hi" to guys I find attractive
  • planning for my students before the morning of
  • keeping in touch with friends
  • grocery shopping
  • making my bed
  • not drinking on schoo nights
  • remembering to "not hate"
  • blogging
  • saving money
  • remembering not to eat meat on Fridays during Lent
  • FFing through the DVR and trying to get it exactly when the show gets back on
  • flossing

Things that I'm great at as of recent:
  • standing up for myself.
  • running (with the help of my running schedule, thanks M!)
  • dancing in the car
  • singing in the car
  • loving on my students
  • relationship advice to co-workers
  • reading
  • wave-crimping my hair in under 7 minutes
  • making fun of horrible commercials
  • brunching with friends
  • handling my roommate and her crazy ways
  • being single and loving it
  • screaming "EW" at anything and everything a la Channing Tatum on SNL

I got nothing else... help me.

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