Sunday, February 3, 2013

Not even this could ruin my Friday afternoon.

Scenes from a Friday afternoon while waiting for the buses to be called.

::sitting at the kidney table with the 7 girls in the class::
D:  Ms. K., do you have a baby?
Me:  No.
::simultaneous saddened awwwwws::
A: Do you have a husband?
Me:  No.
::simultaneous saddened awwwws, again::
D:  Do you have friends?
Me:  Yes.
D:  Yea, everyone should have friends.
M:  ::pattingmeonthe back::  Are you lonely?
Me:  .....
::GT-02 gets called::
Me:  Get out of my classroom!!

I was literally saved by the bell.

But that's a great questions, little 8 year old.  Am I lonely?  Let's think about this one.  Technically I am currently alone.  But am I lonely?  No, I am not, by any means, lonely.  I have the best friends, the best family and the air in my lungs.  I am the happiest I have been in a really long time.

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