Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It'sa Me.... Mario!

The last time it was snowing out I had  "me" day and blogged things about me.  Today was a snow day (got out of school) and while my roommate was home, it was still a me day.  I went to lunch with a friend, went to the gym and ran my big little heart out and then cooked a nice dinner for myself.  So, tonight, as I was watching up on my DVRed reality shows, I decided to add to the list that I created during my me day.  

Mario Kart is forever be one of my favorite video games.  I am amazing at it, too.

I prefer a boxed cake mix.  And while I'm obsessed with anything chocolate, my favorite cupcake is a yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

I drink an obscene amount of water per day.  It's not normal. 
And on that note, I pee a lot. 
I'm on a skeeball league and it's one of the most fun things I've done in a really long time.  Don't hate/judge me.
I'm terrible at standardized tests.  My SAT scores are embarrasing. 

I take oral hygiene VERY serious.
My favorite color is black.  No, I'm not goth.

I don't think all babies are cute.  I will be the first one to tell you about an ugly baby.
My students humble me everyday.

I am an awkward person.  Especially around guys I'm interested in.  Help me.
One of my favorite vacations in the United States was to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  I miss is all the time. 
Speaking of vacations, my dream destination would be Greece, Santorini in particular. 
If I ever get proposed to, I want it to be intimate.  Just the two of us.  And a photographer to capture the moment.

I am the happiest I've been in a really really long time.  I have my amazing friends and even more amazing family to thank for that.

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