Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Maybe it's because I have cabin fever...

Maybe it's because I'm finally letting go of things...

Maybe it's because I looked up what "grey hairs" means in the dream dictionary after I dreamed it and finally wised up...

But I ran across this and I felt the need to share it with you all.  It's from an episode of Grey's Anatomy.  I used to watch this show religiously and quoted when needed. But life got in the way.  Things got busy and complicated.  And priorities where made.  And I stopped watching.  I"m slowly getting back into it and it's as if I never missed a beat.  Regardless, I still love the writing from the show.  I'm sure every girl out there who has ever had her heart broken has, at one point, felt the pain in this quote.  Here you go...

On a brighter note... Hurricane Sandy turned out to be just like the Sandy in Grease... a big ole' tease.  No power outages in Shirlington...  just good friends, good food, good wine and horribly cheesy scary movies.  Good thing we stocked up on liquor and Popeyes.  Thanks for 2 days off of work for me to catch up on my grading... and sleeping...  it was much needed. 

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