Tuesday, October 16, 2012

just one of those days

Murphy's Law...  anything that can go wrong will go wrong.  Today was just one of those days. 
Now, I'm usually a positive person but the past few days has not been so pleasant...  and while I don't want to blame my job for it... well, I sort of have to.  Don't get me wrong... I love teaching and the joy I get from my students, but some days (more recently) it's been a struggle. 

I'll go ahead and make this bullet point because it'll be easier for you to read... and let's be honest, it's all about you guys.
  • I snoozed too many times that I couldn't shower this morning (GASP!!  so unlike me, I know). 
  • Forgot to pack utensils in my lunch box.  Had to use the school cafeteria's unsturdy "plastic" fork.
  • Testing today went all wrong... had student's who were supposed to test missing and some who shouldn't test in my room. 
  • Found a hole in the crotch of my leggings.  Oops!
  • Tripped over my student's exercise ball chair.
  • Read aloud a math test... students at my kidney table made it seem like I had never taught any of the concepts.  Wanted to cry... held it back.
  • Was late to CLTs, to which I was bombarded by several people about me being late (and actually, I wasn't the latest... and might I add that I was late because I was escorting my teammate's class to their specials because she accidentally dropped them off at MY specials).  Bit my tongue literally and figuratively during the meeting.
  • Was late picking up my kids from PE... got an earful from the PE man. 
  • One of my kids told another kid that Hello Kitty was the devil.  How DARE you?
  • Cancelled my science lesson because my kids can't get along.
  • Gave myself a "time out" and sat in the chill out chair for about 10 minutes while the kids just sat in silence, stunned.
  • The last bus to come was the one that majority of my students ride. 
  • Driving home from HH, I hit EVERY SINGLE light. 
So, bare with me the next few days... it's a rough time for me professionally but that's what usually happens right?  One aspect of life isn't as great as the others... life is all about balance. 

On a happier note... one week until my birthday.  Be ready to party balls with me this weekend! 

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