Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I cannot tell a lie...

I did it.

I was at M's wedding this past weekend when I did it.  And you know what they say about weddings...  what happens at a wedding stays at a wedding.  No, wait.  That's not right. 

Well... there was lots of alcohol.  And my nerves were on edge because of my fear of having to give the MOH speech and so I drank.  A lot.  When the speech was over and when the DJ had amped up the dance floor, that's when I did it.  I'm not proud of it.  But I did it anyway. 

The first few beats of the song came on.  And I felt it in my fingers.  And my toes.  That's when it happened.  I did it.  I did the Gangnam Style dance.  On the dance floor.  Surrounding by a ton of people.  And I was right on beat.

Now, I wasn't the only one doing it... if that's what you were wondering.  There was another Asian girl there that people were watching do this dance, too.  And, playing way too much into the stereotype, we were totally hamming it up for people.  It was interesting to see the different styles we brought to it.  And when we thought that people were totally into it, we looked up and noticed that the crowd was watching someone else.

What?  There couldn't be another Asian at the wedding.  M and J only know two.  When I finally looked up I saw that the amazing dancer was a tall, lanky, white Jewish teenager with a blonde 'fro.  And he was singing all the words.  I mean, I don't even know all the words (which should bring shame to my country).  I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little jealous. But he was incredible.    And he was adorable and he was getting at it.  He went H.A.M to Gangnam Style.  You go boy! 

So, there you have it friends.  I did it.  I kept calm and Gangnam Styled. 

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