Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Missing In Action

Sorry punks... it's been a while.  I promised myself that I would do more writing during the summer but, alas, I haven't.

Too much stuff going on...

Too much money being spent...

Too many drinks being had...

Too many Pretty Little Liars marathons...

Too many emotions swirling around in my brain... 

But the real reason I haven't been writing (I usually do this before I get to bed if I have the chance) is because I've been behind the curve and I've needed to catch up...  with Christian Grey.  And his spankings.  I finally (after a lot of protesting) borrowed a copy of 50 Shades of Grey and have slowly been reading it before bed.  And it makes me mad.  How can so many people be so obsessed with a book with horrible writing and shock value?  I guess that's why the Twilight series was so huge.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I'll finish this trilogy, but I'll be mad while I read it.

In the meantime, I'll do my best to balance reading and writing.  But until then...  laters, baby! 

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