Thursday, July 5, 2012

3s and such

They say bad things come in threes (wait? is that strictly death?).  I've totally experienced 3s the past few days...

1) Infection of some sort - thought it was a sinus infection but could have been bronchitis.  Not quite sure.  Amoxicillan sucks ass and doesn't seem to be doing the trick.
2) Canker sores - the worst...  I have three little spots all in an area together...  first one from biting my lip while eating (hurt like a bitch), the other two from biting while eating (hurt even more).  I gotta stop eating. 
3) Back pain - pretty sure I aggravated it while I was wearing heels and running around.  I'm currently walking around like I've just had butt sex and/or have to poop.

And such...
I'm a pretty happy person.  But there's always things that happen that chap my ass.  Here are things as of recent that have definitely chapped my ass.
  • girls sized 2 or 4 who talk about how skinny other girls are and think they are fat after seeing said skinny girls.  STFU... you are crazy and have issues if you really believe that.
  • guys who text "LOL"...  I am not interested in dating a 14 year old girl, so stop texting like one.
  • girls who wear shoes that are too small... I don't want to see your big toe hanging off the front of your sandals. 
  • dudes in preppy shorts who come to a pregame without bringing their own beers/drinks. 
  • when cute shirts don't fit around big boobs such as mine.  ugh.  
  • the area on your body that gets sunburned because you miss the area with sunscreen and then you look stripped.
  • camel toe on girls at Zumba - put that shit away.
  • People who show up to newly released movies 2 minutes before it starts, expect to find good seats, can't find seats together and then ask people to move down so they can sit together.  Ummm, no. 

I swear I don't usually complain this much... I'll blame it on the heat.  

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