Saturday, July 7, 2012

Like a fiiiiiiiine wine

Saw Magic Mike the other day.  And let me tell you... the dancing and the men (minus Tarzan) were superb.  Matthew McConaughey did a stellar job being a creepy strip club owner and weirdo actor.  And let me tell you how hot he looked.  HAWT!!  So hot I couldn't even spell it correctly.  Today, after a long day of helping a friend move, I plopped my ass on the couch to veg and wouldn't you know it, A Time To Kill was on.  And MatMcCon looked HAWT!  MatMcCon was so hot when he was younger.  And now, he's even better looking.  Like a fine wine, he got better with age. 

Maybe it's because I'm older and my tastes have matured, but I find that the older a man gets, the better looking they get (in most cases).  That got me to thinking about what other actors have gotten better with age.. because let's be honest, most have not ::ehhemmickeyrourke::

Here is my top ten list (in no particular order):
  1. Matthew McConaughey
  2. George Clooney
  3. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (even though he's still young)
  4. Collin Farrell
  5. Justin Timberlake
  6. John Stamos
  7. Johnny Depp
  8. Robert Downey, Jr. 
  9. Hugh Grant
  10. Matt Damon

Feel free to add to the list or state your own opinion... until then, I'll be watching MatMcCon do his sweaty hot thing in the courtroom.

1 comment:

  1. First and foremost - three cheers to Jason Gordon-Levitt. He is SO hott. 2 t's, not one less. And Johnny Depp...le sigh...

    May I submit for your consideration:
    Bradley Cooper (seriously, when he comes out of that tanner in A-Team I freaking LOSE it....And man looks SO good in a suit).


    SHEMAR MOORE. Criminal Minds is the SCARIEST thing I allow myself to watch, and it's all because of this guy's fine-ness. Ok, and yes, the show is really well written...but really I watch it because I know Shemar is in it. If you follow the show, you can see how much he matured and became even more beautiful over time. YUM.
