Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lyon Hall

Have you ever been into the bathrooms at Lyon Hall?  It's kinda creepy slash kinda cool.  You see the bathrooms are 100% always a surprise to any Lyon Hall n00bs.  The sink area has no mirrors.  Instead, you look into the other bathroom's sink area.  Women can look into the men's bathroom while they wash their hands and vice versa. 

Here's the problem...  if you're anything like my friends and I, you've usually had too much HH wines and you're slightly buzzed.  That's when you forget about the Lyon Hall bathroom's unique setting and after you handle your business you are startled when you look into the mirror only to have a hairy Italian man looking right back at you.  My first thought is always ::Hey, I thought I shaved my 5 o'clock shadow::

Anyways...  my plan for the next time I'm there:  I want to imitate the man's movements as if it were a mirror.  You know, like those joke shows... I feel like I could pull it off... especially if I've been drinking. 

That is all. 

I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July...  I got a sunburn, pulled my back and drank my face off.  I'm getting too old for this shit. 

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