Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Are earrings the nipples of the ear?

Due to a certain someone who shall remain nameless, I have become addicted to yet another horrible smut show... Pretty Little Liars.  The premise of the show is unrealistic (but aren't they all, really?) but the girls on the shower are super hot and the fashion is even hotter.  On several of the episodes I noticed that the lead character, Aria, wears some unconventional outfits that only someone of her beauty and size could pull off... and the most unusual of her outfits happen to be her earrings.  Here are a few pictures to give you a better idea:

The earrings brought me back to my elementary school days when my sister and I would rock the most amazing (read hideous) earrings known to man.  When we were growing up, we didn't use to have to work very hard to get a little bit of money every now and then.  And my sister and I would LOVE to go to a certain accessory store and shop until all our money was gone.  The store used to have these ridiculous sales (something along the lines of 5 earrings for 5 dollars) and the walls would be covered from top to bottom with every different kind of earring known to man. 

The other night a Caboodle case happened to appear on a chair in my room.  And when I looked through it I was brought back to these days mentioned above and all the wonderful outfits I would put together to match these amazing (still read hideous) earrings.  I went through the earrings and put together a collection of what I consider to be some of the best.  Here they are in random order:

These happen to be one of my favorite ones.  I used to wear these ALL THE TIME!... this was back when I used to wear lots of color.  Hard to imagine given my black and grey wardrobe.  

How did I know back then that I was going to become a teacher?  These holiday earrings SCREAM teacher!  Jingle bell ones for Christmas, ghost ones for Halloween, shamrocks for St. Patty's Day and two red, white and blue ones for the 4th of July.  My favorite from this picture happens to be the Easter trolls... yes, those are eggs that they are sitting on.  Though I never plan on wearing any of these for holidays while I teach this upcoming year, ask me again when I'm an old teacher... I might need something to match my hideous teacher holiday vests.  Don't judge me. 

Who doesn't want animals on their ears.  The dolphin earrings have a velvet texture to them.  The flamingo ones I would actually consider wearing given the neon fad going on currently...  and who doesn't want to be South Beach trendy?

This might be hard to believe but I was at one point obsessed with hearts.  This was probably WAY before heart breaks even entered into my life.  These are just a few of the heart earrings I bought. 

These were some of my heavily rotated ones.  If you can see, the key does fit into the lock.  And the cheese does fit into the stomach of the mouse.  How awesome are these earrings?  I might actually rock one of these soon.  Mark my word. 

Different earrings.  The bear one... no words.  The cheerleader and football player ones I don't think I ever wore.  Maybe my sister did?... who knows.   Obviously I can't wear those now because the girl's shirt has HS on in... I'm out of school so I can't wear these, obvi. 

One of my favorite color combos was black and white with a touch of yellow.  I used to look like a bee.  Black and white stripped t-shirt with yellow shorts.  Lovely!  I used to wear the shit out of these earrings.  The black ones with the yellow and white polka dots used to be in my top 5s.  I guess I used to like me some polka dots, too.

Around this time, the Chicago Bulls were all the rage.  I used to have a friend, who I wanted to be so much like (the very same one that I wanted to join the Girl Scouts for), who was obsessed with the Bulls...   so anything I found in red, black and white I would buy to impress her.  She used to love these earrings.  Oh man, did I used to love the red hoops... maybe that's why I still rock the oversizedd JLo hoop earrings.  Hmmrph.  Something to think about.

This is a pair with apples and a worm coming out of it... kind of hard to see.  I don't think I wore them often as they used to make too much noise.  But is this a little foreshadowing into my current career as a teacher?  Mayhaps it was.

Ladies and gentlemen... we have come to the part where I round out the rest of my top 5 favorites.  These three were always being worn... especially the jewel looking ones...  I used to wear me the shit out of pinks and purples (I know, right?).  Those were my go-tos...  and as much as I loved hearts, I loved stars just as equally.  Where did my girly side go to? 

Here is my small collection of gold earrings.  If it wasn't hairy or made of wood or acrylic, my favorite material would have been gold.  I never used to like silver...  funny how life turns out... now I prefer silver to gold... I'll wear gold now, but I prefer the look of shiny silver.  Check out the zebras.  What was I thinking?

It was interested to go back and see how my tastes have evolved.  After I stopped buying so many earrings (probably because I realized that boys were cute) I stopped wearing my awesome colorful outfits.  Gone were the days of troll earrings, Lisa Frank and color.  When I reached middle school I said hello to grey, black and thug-like.  I became obsessed with wearing sweatpants and K-swiss shoes...  pull my hair back into a tight ponytail, add a part of gold hoop earrings (much like the ones I still wear today) and I had my newest look.   If only you guys were around to see it. 

Until I get sick of my current style, I'll continue to watch PLL... maybe something I see will drive me into my next fashion look...  oh boy, I can't wait.  

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