Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What Did I Just Do?

I just signed up for my first 10K...  it's in one and half weeks.  I've been training for it for the past 6 weeks.  Here is what I've learned:
  • I can do it.
  • running is not as hard to train for as I thought.
  • neon running shoes will be my next purchase.
  • running on the W&OD trail is A LOT easier than a treadmill.
  • time goes faster running outdoors with a friend.
  • while I hate techno, it makes the run better.
  • watching "White Chicks" while running makes me run faster.
  • stretching makes a world of a difference.
Here is what I have noticed:
  • I sweat now in places that I've never sweat before.
  • I cut 15 minutes off my 5K time (from the Color Run).
  • I'm mentally stronger than I once thought I was.
  • I miss running on days that I not scheduled to run.
  • my ass looks better in my boy shorts.
  • I'm always hungry now.
So.... to summarize.  I've been training for a 10K in which I feel I'm not prepared.  I have a week and a half to go.  What was I thinking?