Monday, April 29, 2013

Say Whaaaaaaaaaaat?

Oh man!

I'm neglecful. 

And forgetful.

And sorry. 

Since the last post, I have:
  • trained, run and killed the Pike's Peek 10K
  • went to a FIJI formal with a dear friend of mine
  • at said formal, realized that I can no longer keep up with my younger counterparts
  • and also that drinks in college towns are super cheap and affordable
  • celebrated the "end of school year" being close by starting the countdown (35 days today)
  • kicked ass in skeeball
  • bought and neglected "Life of Pi" (currently sitting on my night stand)
  • went to Rumors and acted like I was 21 years old again
  • donated a ton of clothes and shoes
  • spent a grand on my car (so sad)
  • finally got a handle on my students' learning
  • youtubed how to play the guitar (haven't picked my guitar up yet)
  • started and finished Big Brother Australia 2010 (72ish episodes) and loved every minute of it
  • started putting money away for a trip to Australia in the near future
  • invited myself to visit a friend who hasn't even moved to San Diego yet
  • invited myself to my BFFs Dewey beach house for pretty much the entire summer
  • applied for summer school (fingers crossed I get it)
  • ran the WO&D trail that's literally right across the road from my apartment
  • reminisced about JMU while driving down Port Republic
  • drank my face off
I promise to do my best to keep up with this damn blog... as the weather gets warmer it's getting harder (that's what she said). 

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