Wednesday, April 3, 2013

More SBux Drama...

I've blog before about my creepy old guy at Panera and how he happened to show up at SBux one time and remember me.  Well, I ended up moving to A-ton and stopped going to that SBux altgother.  Gone were the days of H, my sexy barista, upgrading me for free.  Gone were the days of H flirting with me and giving me a huge ego boost.  Gone were the days when I felt like a rockstar. 

.... or so I thought.

The route to school happens to include a new SBux.  And one fateful day I walked in only to find H, the sexy barista, behind the counter.  Both of us shocked, and slighly worried on my part that he thought I was stalking him, we managed to discuss how we both ended up at that SBux.  He was promoted to that store manager and I moved and worked around the corner.  So, it wasn't so weird.

This was at the beginning of the school year.  From that day on I got:
  • upgrades to ventis on anything I ordered
  • extra shots if I ordered a latte
  • free pastries if he was behind the counter
  • specialty drinks for $0.50 - even if I order more than one.  The total always comes to $0.53
It's been amazing. 

Recently the "hellos" have turned into hugs.  And passing me his business card.  And then, one morning after I returned from Spring Break, he actually came from behind the counter, hugged me and asked me a series of questions.
  • Where have you been?
  • Do you have a boyfriend?
  • Why haven't you come to see me at Nordstroms?
  • Would you like to go see a movie with me?  I would like to take you out?
  • What are you doing Friday?  (told him Fridays are hard after a week of teaching)
  • What about Saturday?  (told him I had a baby shower)
  • Sunday night?  (told him I had weekly family dinners)
So then he told me to let him know when I was available.  I said okay, grabbed my coffee and then left.

What do I do?  I hate turning people down.  But I'm not interested... I'm okay with losing my freebies but I don't want to embarrass him.  Or me.  Ugh...  What's a girl to do?

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