Sunday, March 24, 2013

I mean, seriously?

I asked my mom to take me to Costco so that I could buy myself a vaccuum... a big girl purchase to say the least.  She obliged.  However, the only time she was available with Sunday afternoon.  And if you know anything about Sunday afternoons, you know it's the busiest grocery shopping day of the week.  And it's even worse at a bulk store such as Costco.  The deals are worth it so we went anyways. 

Things were going fine.  There were lots of people.  Lots of children.  Lots of carts.  Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that Sunday's at Costco are what people would call a "buffet."  At the end of each aisle, and even throughout the store, there are people giving away free samples.  We happened to be walking down on of the aisles looking for some cheese.  At the end of this aisle happened to be a huge mass of people.  The closer we got to the end of the aisle I noticed what they were serving... potstickers.  I mean, people love potstickers.  This was evident. 

Completely overwhelmed, I looked back to see if we could turn around but there were tons of people with carts coming up the aisle.  The only way out was through the crowd.  I "excused" my way through... and accidentally ran over a teenager's feet with my cart.  Already completely embarrassed (both of us, I'm sure) I went to apologize.  I am a pretty hands on person, so my apology intended to include a hand to the shoulder with an "I'm SO sorry."  What actually happened was much worse.  As my hand went to touch her shoulder, she must have moved because I realized around the word "so" that my hand has actually grabbed her boob.  Oh dear me.

I hightailed it out of the aisle with my mom struggling to keep up.  She finally caught up at the coffee aisle.  And I told her what happened and she couldn't stop laughing. 

So, the lesson to be learned.  Bulk grocery stores, such as Costco, are good for discount items, $1.50 foot long hot dogs, free food and a good groping.

That is all. 

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